Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Up on the rooftop

John ventured up the ladder through the skylight in the third-floor bathroom to check out the progress on the roof. Things are looking good. This photo shows where our little rooftop patio will go, way up there among the trees. Most of the roof will be planted with sedum (soon, we hope), absorbing the sun's rays in the summer, giving us a little extra insulation in the winter, and reducing stormwater run-off. The green roof will be a beautiful feature when it's installed.


Lynnbot said...

Ummmm, this is huge. I bet it's like a treehouse up there, except not all stuffy and hot. awesome...

Lorie and John said...

The roof is big (well, not really), but the patio won't be. The roof will be mostly vegetation; the patio will occupy a small portion at the corner. What you're seeing in the picture won't be all patio, that's for sure.