After some serious digging, I managed to find my camera software and download some photos. Here are the first of many to come.
As we mentioned in previous posts, we had an absolutely awful experience with our two flooring companies. The photo on the left shows the state in which they first left our floors. Remember, these were to be our finished floors, with no other covering on them. Truly, they were unbelievably bad. The white streaking shows where the varnish was rubbed off of the floors before it was dry. It looks like you could just mop it up, but you can't. The guys finishing our floors did try their best, but they had no training and no support. It was a disaster. The photo on the right shows the refinished floors. They are dusty in the photo, but you can still see how much better they are. Unfortunately, they are far from perfect. We will live with them for the forseeable future, though.
As we mentioned in previous posts, we had an absolutely awful experience with our two flooring companies. The photo on the left shows the state in which they first left our floors. Remember, these were to be our finished floors, with no other covering on them. Truly, they were unbelievably bad. The white streaking shows where the varnish was rubbed off of the floors before it was dry. It looks like you could just mop it up, but you can't. The guys finishing our floors did try their best, but they had no training and no support. It was a disaster. The photo on the right shows the refinished floors. They are dusty in the photo, but you can still see how much better they are. Unfortunately, they are far from perfect. We will live with them for the forseeable future, though.
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