Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A wet Wednesday

Ottawa endured a nice mix of hail, flurries, rain and freezing rain over the last 12 hours, so the guys spent the day working indoors. The first-floor bathoom walls and door frame are now up, as are the walls around the first-floor bedroom. In the photo on the right, we're standing in the hall of our first floor facing the rear bedroom on the left and our office at the rear on the right. The little bathroom is at the front on the right, but you can't really see it in this picture.

The bathroom walls have a very nice curve to the them. The room is an interesting shape, which we find neat. Our only concern is the size of the space left for the tub, which is exactly five feet. If the tub is five feet long and the space is five feet long, we might have a problem getting it in. Time will tell.

The first-floor bedroom walls were supposed to be removable sometime in the future, so we're pretty sure they were prematurely installed and should have been put in place after the cement floor was poured. The bedroom wall that is closest to the stairs also seems high, since there will be a landing above it that needs to accommodate a few stairs up to the second floor. We'll figure this out with our builder tomorrow.

It was too slippery for me to brave the ladder up to the second floor today, but maybe this weekend will be a little drier. I'd really like to get to see the second floor from the second floor, and not the rungs of a ladder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's starting to look like a house, which is really great. Lots of progress, I can't wait to see it with a roof and windows. Ned